
Shoulder Surgeons | Raiders of shoulder discomfort

Shoulder Surgeons | Raiders of shoulder discomfort

Shoulder surgeons are considered by some of the best doctors and physicians as raiders of shoulder discomfort, and as unequivocal specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of shoulder pain.

As one of the best experienced Sydney shoulder specialists, Dr Haber has earned a stellar reputation as a universally respected shoulder surgeon who places patient wellbeing above all, treatments for his patients always designed to achieve the best possible patient outcomes while minimising recovery times.

A true pioneer of Australian shoulder surgery, Dr Haber is honoured to have been the very first Sydney shoulder surgeon to conduct computer-navigated shoulder replacement surgery in Australia. He has performed well over 2000 arthroscopies and remains one of the world’s foremost authorities on computer-navigated shoulder surgeries and advanced surgical methods in the treatment of shoulder pain.

Dr. Haber consults at:


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