Your Premier Shoulder Specialist in Sydney
Jan 17, 2014
Do you have a constant, unflinching pain in your shoulder? Shoulder pain can be attributed to a variety of conditions, and it is imperative to your recovery that you find a doctor that knows how to effectively identify and treat these conditions. If shoulder pain plagues you every day, you need to turn to Southern Orthopaedics. We are proud to say that our very own Dr. Mark Haber is Sydney’s premier shoulder specialist.
Dr. Haber is a leading orthopaedic surgeon, not just in Sydney, but in the world. He has a tremendous amount of experience and expertise when it comes to shoulder arthroscopies. In fact, he has even pioneered his own arthroscopic techniques that are now used all over Europe, Asia, and the US. He doesn’t just stop there, he is continually looking for ways to perfect procedures and expedite rehabilitation. Luckily for you, he is right here in Sydney, where you can benefit from his vast knowledge and skill. Whether you have a torn rotator cuff or your pain comes from arthritis, our outstanding shoulder surgeon in Sydney is the right choice for you.
If you are constantly living in pain because of a shoulder condition then you need to turn to an orthopaedic surgeon that can help. Chronic pain can have major effects on your every day life, and there is no reason why your career, family, or anything else should have to suffer because of it. Our doctor can help to determine the root of the problem, and help to treat it effectively. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.